Kleen Kare
Kleen Kare in a short span of time has managed to become one of the most preferred distributors /suppliers of Cleaning Materials, Chemicals, Tools and Products which are a necessary and integral part of Professional and Household cleaning requirements. From the duration ofits existence, Kleen Kare has strived to provide an extensive range of innovative products / chemicals and services catering for the Professional, Commercial, Industrial and the Domestic cleaning industry. we have successfully established a wholesale cum retail outlet in Mangalore to accommodate the cleaning and related requirements of small and medium sized enterprises. Our list of established client base reads as a list of the industry’s leading lights. We cater to a diverse set of client requirements and service delivery processes. Our success is primarily based on customizing client requirements to create true commercial value for the client. This fundamental principal drives high client loyalty and in turn focuses our joint attention towards: Reducing Client Procurement Costs Reducing Client Transaction Costs Improving Client Labour Productivity